Thursday, November 20, 2008

God Is So Good!

So, I got fired on Tuesday. I can't say I didn't see this coming, but I have to admit my pride is a little hurt. I've never been fired from a job. My take on the situation is that I was so resistant to the Lord's gentle counsel telling me that it was time to move on from this job He had to get a little aggressive with me and take the choice away from me. The sad part is that I wanted the opportunity to tell them they could take their job and shove it. Not very Christian of me I know, but I'm a work in progress. Funny thing, Tuesday morning before work, I was reading my bible, looking for a little insight for the day. In "The Message" Proverbs 16:14 reads: "An intemperate leader wreaks havoc in lives; You're smart to stay clear of someone like that." That one sentence made everything alright for me and I was almost prepared for what that day eventually held for me.

Dan is actually glad this happened. He never liked where I worked anyway. He just supported me because he knew how important it was to me. He's an awesome man. Props to my man Dan!

Yesterday I updated my resume, and wrote a new cover letter for it (it's been 8 years since I've even looked at it). Just as my resume was completed and almost 24 hours after I was terminiated from my position I received a call from a friend, who by the way, I had already asked if she knew of anyone looking for a hygienist and she hadn't. She was calling to tell me she got a call that day from a dental office in Clermont looking for a hygienist 2 days a week. I called the office today and it sounds like a perfect match for me. I will have a working interview on Dec. 3. I can't help but see the Lord's hand in this. God is so faithful to me; I am so unfaithful to Him and I don't deserve His mercy or His grace. Yet it overflows and I am continuously so abundantly blessed by Him.

All of this has led to my baking another batch of Snickerdoodles, because the batch I baked on Monday, well they never saw Tuesday. I shared, a few. A little bit of emotional baking and consumption of said baked goods is happening around here. But, it's all good. I'm thinking tomorrow I'll do something ooey, gooey, & hugely chocolate.


Kris said...

Sorry the old job had to "go to the ugly place" before you were able to get out of there...but I'm doin' the "happy dance" over the fact that you are out. of. there.

I'll be praying that the interview in Clermont goes well and that you'll have absolute wisdom about how to proceed.

Tiffany said...

Wow! I'm with Kris, sorry that it got so ugly but it was probably time to go. Maybe over time, like in 20 years or so :0), you can repair your relationship with the boss.
That's awesome about your interview! Enjoy a couple of weeks off! Bury yourself in Christmas crafts and baking. I saw some wonderfully adorable baby moccasins that were knitted. I will try to find them again and send you and Kris the link.

Lisa said...

Man, am I behind! I just caught up on your blog and boy, did I miss everything!
It's funny how God works sometimes, huh? I'm praying and trusting for you that God will lead you to a much better situation and show you Romans 8:28 every step of the way.

Sue said...

Yes, it has been a crazy couple of weeks Lisa, thanks for your prayers and for Romans 8:28