Thursday, January 1, 2009

So long 2008!

2008 was a pretty trying year for me and I'm glad to wish it farewell. I've learned some very valuable lessons this year. I've also let go of some of my selfishness. My attitude toward my loved-ones has changed to allow for me to accept our differences and not feel the need to make excuses for those differences. I've learned that unhealthy relationships are not always worth holding onto and sometimes it's necessary to let go. I've learned that change can be good; Very. Good. I've learned that my significance is in Christ, and it does not matter what the World thinks of me. All that matters is that I am precious to Him. "Yes I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor ruling spirits, nothing now, nothing in the future, no powers, nothing above [me], nothing below [me], nor anything else in the whole world will ever be able to separate [me] from from the love of GOD that is in Christ Jesus [my] Lord." Romans 8:38-39
I've learned that life is fragile and fleeting. Someone who is here today may not live to see tomorrow. In that, I am learning to not take people, especially loved-ones, for granted. It is my desire to spend more time with the ones I love, and the ones who love me, in 2009. To let go of what's behind. To press toward the goal. To lean into "circumstances" rather than run the other way. To pray more. To do more. To live more. May God bless you far beyond what your heart and hand can hold in this New Year!


Smith Schoolhouse said...

great post- thanx for sharing.

Sue said...

Thanks Rizzo. Happy New Year!