Friday, May 8, 2009

I Don't Mean To Sound Ungrateful, But...

I wish I only had a 1600 sq ft house! Friday mornings are a bit overwhelming for me as far as the housework goes. I work on Wed. & Thurs. which means everything pertaining to keeping my home in order lies in a state of limbo. I know if my house were smaller it would get more messy faster, although I think we're Guinness Book messy around here so I'm not sure it could get any messier any faster. But, if the house was smaller I could get it cleaned up faster. I'm just sayin'...

I'm seriously courting the idea of hiring a cleaning lady to come every other Thursday so I can walk into a Pine Sol-fresh house (that didn't require any of my own Pine Sol) a couple of times a month. But then, I'll basically be working to pay the preschool and the cleaning lady, hmmmm. Well, I could look at it as I'll be coming home to a clean house that I didn't have to clean, & I had a couple of days away from the mundane. Six of one, half dozen of another I suppose.

I guess I can't delay the inevitable any longer...I have a metric ton of laundry, a sticky kitchen floor, a play room where the carpet is not visible through the toys - which by the way is going bye-bye, I could go on, but you all know where this is going. Hopefully I'll get all my ducks in a row in the next 2 hours...yeah right!


Just Me said...

I know what you mean!! The first thing I intend on doing with my first paycheck...hire a maid! I've always wanted to have someone clean my house...even if it's only once. A smaller house is my dream too! Gotta get some boys to move out first...tho!

Lisa said...

I am SO WITH YOU on the smaller house thing. Bigger = more space to fill up with JUNK and then you've got to clean it all. I can't wait to downsize.
I say go for the maid. ;)