Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sophie's Birthday

Last Sunday was Sophie's Birthday. The fact that it was also Easter complicated things for me. I wanted to have a party for Sophie, but it was Easter. I'd decided to postpone the party for a couple of weeks but then had an epiphany...Adam and Katie's Birthday is 6 weeks to the day after Sophie's Birthday. I realized the longer I postpone Sophie's Birthday the closer we are to the twins' Birthday. oh. my. So a last minute decision...I had a small family party for Sophie on Easter.

Sophie's arrival into our lives was bittersweet for us at first. The twins were 14 months old when I realized I was pregnant with Sophie. I questioned the Lord and His will for me. I had just experienced the toughest year of my life having had two babies at once and here I am pregnant again. How would I do it? How would I survive three months of morning sickness with two active toddlers? How would I take care of a newborn in the middle of the night when I had a toddler (Adam) who wouldn't sleep through the night?
It wasn't until she was born and the doctor exclaimed, "wow, she's a round one!" and the nurse called out her weight of 8 pounds that I knew everything was going to be okay. Since April 12, 2006 there has not been a single day of my life that I haven't thanked God for Sophie! She is such an incredible gift! Her smile lights up my life, her laughter tickles my spirit, and her love warms my heart. She's precious! Happy Birthday Sophie!

This is the Barbie cake my precious Sophie enthusiastically requested for her Birthday. I was adamant that I wasn't paying Publix $47.99 for their Barbie cake. So, I googled it, and made this myself. I have to say that this was one of the easier cakes I've made and I was thrilled will the results. So was my Sophie!

Here she is! The Birthday girl! Such a sweet little doll!


Lori said...

Happy birthday Sophie! Sue, you rocked on that cake... it looks great!

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday Sophie...I'm a little late, I know. ;)...
That cake is AMAZING!!!!!

Sue said...

Thanks girls! I really enjoyed the creativity involved in making this cake.