A Simple Woman's Daybook for today...December 22, 2008
Outside my window...Sunshine!
I am thinking...When's my mom gonna get here so I can go finish my Christmas shopping?! She was supposed to be here already!
I am thankful for...healthy kids, my new job, kind of getting to sleep in this morning, the 3 cups of coffee I've had already!
From the learning rooms...teaching my babies about the true meaning of Christmas.
From the kitchen...I may make ham & bean soup with the leftover ham bone from our early Christmas celebration with my mom, dad, & sister on Saturday. Other than that, ummmm, not. so. sure
I am wearing...jeans, a burnt orange cable knit sweater I just got from Kohls. I'm loving this sweater. I may have to go buy a couple more in different colors. Also wearing the kitty slippers.
I am creating...not a thing!
I am going...to the scrub store to buy new scrubs - one size larger; then I'm going to buy 3 last gifts.
I am reading...Paula Deen's "Holiday Baking" special edition magazine that Lisa gave me for my birthday.
I am hoping...for a magical Christmas with my family.
I am hearing...all three of my kids playing together nicely... wonder how long that will last!
Around the house...my dad hung a curtain rod in my family room on Sat. and I hung curtain panels that I got from Bed Bath & Beyond. Silk panels that were originally $60 a piece, I got for $10 a piece. So, for the first time in 6 years, the 140 ft long sliding glass door in my family room has a covering!
One of my favorite things...a nice, hot cup of coffee that I get to drink while it's still hot.
A few plans for the rest of the week...celebrating Christmas!
A picture thought I'm sharing... This is my sister on my shoulders. We were just being kids. This was a nice moment. Things are often times way too serious between my sister and me.
Cute picture of you and your sister!
Every week when I do the daybook I want to write that my favorite thing is a cup of coffee. That's always what comes to mind first. I try to change it up though.
Yeah? For me, it's not just a cup of coffee, it's a HOT cup of coffee! When am I going to get to sit and drink a HOT cup of coffee again?
that is a very sweet picture of you and your sis.
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