For Today...November 10, 2008
Outside my a sunny day, a view of Sugarloaf Mountain, a Persian Lime tree that needs pickin'
I am thinking...I have a metric ton of housework to do today
Fom the learning rooms...I want to work with Katie on spelling her last name. Adam, well I need to work with him on perfectin his penmanship a little more.
I am thankful husband, who washed a sink full of dishes for me last night, my children, and a sweet 30 minutes I got to hold and rock Sophie at 3:00am this morning.
I am wearing...jeans, a black t-shirt, pink and black kitty slippers.
From the kitchen...there's some leftover spaghetti for lunch, I am making Shepherd's Pie for dinner. I have some gooey chocolate chip cookies waiting for my afternoon snack/reward. I'll be making Thai peanut chicken, and maybe chicken pot pie later in the week.
I am reading...The Alchemist
I am hoping...that I get my laundry room spotless and perfectly organized before I have to pick up Adam & Katie from preschool this morning.
I am creating...Monkey Socks for A & K's preschool teacher for Christmas.
Around the house...little things to be picked up in every room. I was bound to my bed on Friday with some terrible stomach bug, we went to Disney on Saturday, to Dan's parents yesterday. All of which means my house has been terrorized by small children and neglected by me for three days. Not. Good.
One of my favorite things...peace and quiet with a little side of something ooey, gooey, & chocolately.
A few plans for the rest of the week...tonight is my Ladies Accountability group. I'm working Tues. & Thurs. Wed. I'll get stuff ready for a special little girl's yard sale, and I may update my resume.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
This is my Captain Jack Sparrow!
I love it! Being a pirate suits Dan.
Did you get your laundry room clean?
Will you post the Thai chicken recipe?
Can you bring me some of those cookies?
Yes, yes, and NO WAY, get your own! Okay, maybe if I remember I'll bring you a little something on Thurs. or Sunday.
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