A Simple Woman's Daybook
Outside My Window...is sunshine and a brown hillside - Florida's only evidence of Autumn
I am thinking...I need to get my house ready for company (insert whimper here)
I am thankful for...my husband, my kids, our health, our parent's health. All the provisions that God allows us in these desperate times. I'm thankful for an interview I have next Wed. with a dentist here in Clermont, 15 minutes from home. I'm thankful for God's faithfulness! I'm thankful that Dan's dad is still alive, 2 years ago he sat at the Thanksgiving table and said that would be his last Thanksgiving. 4 years ago, 1 month before Thanksgiving he had a massive heart attack. A&K were only 4 months old. I'm so thankful that he's still here, watching his grand kids grow up.
From the learning rooms...hopefully we're going to make sun catcher's today or tomorrow, and we're going to work on spelling our last name.
From the kitchen...pot roast for today, Tues., & Wed. will be pretty low key. Wed. is "pie day" - I'll be baking my "blue ribbon" pecan pie, and pumpkin pie, of course. Thanksgiving at our house, home- grown turkey with all the trimmin's. Saturday we have Thanksgiving at Dan's uncle's house, which is my favorite part of Thanksgiving, because all I have to do is show up and eat! I do bring dessert. This year it will be homemade s'mores brownies.
I am wearing...Jeans and a plum striped Henley
I am creating...monkey socks...still
I am going...C-R-A-Z-Y
I am reading..."Climbing The Mango Trees, A Memoir Of Childhood In India" It's all about food, of course.
I am hoping...to get some of the monkey (sock) off my back this week despite the crazy holiday stuff.
I am hearing...The t.v. from the other room. Sophie is watching Spongebob, my least favorite cartoon, but I don't hear her, so that means she's very occupied by the t.v. or she's doin' somethin' bad. I guess I'll find out soon enough.
Around the house...dirty floors, an unfinished redecorate of A&K's room - having a boy & girl in the same room offers quite the decorating challenge! I need to move one dresser out, another in, make a clothing transfer from dresser to dresser, and make & hang big colored polka dots on the walls. My obsessive-compulsive nature wants this to be done by Wed.
One of my favorite things...cafe mocha from Starbucks, it's really my favorite if I get to drink it in silence while it's still hot. You moms know where I'm goin' with this.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: besides what I've already written, not much.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing... awwww! They do love each other despite all the fighting!