I've been off the radar for a couple of weeks it seems. First of all, my
Internet connection has almost been non-existent as of late. By the time the blog loads, I have to leave it to do something else. Second, I've been trying to have a quiet time each day and that means no time for blogging. Third, I'm
exhausted. Fourth, my octogenarian grandparents are here visiting from Michigan, for TWO WEEKS! Did I mention I'm exhausted?
Funny thing, each time I send my Grandparents pics of the kids I invite them to come to Florida. I tell them I have plenty of room, would love to see them, etc... Well, out of the blue they called me last Friday, from the ticket counter at the airport, to tell me they would be flying in the following Monday. Oh. My.
Well, today is Monday. I've survived a week of near-diabetic-crises, "leaky" stools, sight impairment, and hearing loss. I'm glad they're here, it's wonderful to see them, but I can't help but wonder how they survive on their own? My Grandma wants to help with everything, what a sweet little lady! She's from Czechoslovakia. My Grandpa married her while on tour there during WWII. They've been married 63 years! It's so obvious they come from a different time. My Grandma wants to buy toilet paper to replace what they've used. Are you kidding me? They ate peanut butter sandwiches while I was at work on Wed. because they didn't want to "get into" the leftovers. I think I've finally convinced them that "Mi casa es su casa."
I'm enjoying sharing old stories with my Grandma. She's sharing things with me that I've not had the privilege of knowing. I'm a very sentimental soul and I love learning about my family's past, but usually nobody in my family is very willing to share.
My kids are having quite an experience with their Great-Grandparents too. I hope that they will have some fond memories of this time, as it may not come again.
Grandma & Grandpa at the park.

Grandma coleecting the eggs. She's just like a kid when she sees that there are eggs in the nests!