Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Not a whole lot to talk about...
Other than that, nothing exciting around here. I cast on for a pair of baby socks for a friend's baby. I'm more than halfway through the first sock. The yarn is not quite sock weight (it's a little thicker) so he sock is a little bigger than I had hoped for it to be, but on the brighter side the baby is due in May when it's actually really too hot to wear socks anyway. So she'll have socks for the winter.
I went back to the root canal specialist today to have my root canal finished, but the tooth was stil too inflamed to complete the procedure. So he medicated and want to see me back in 2 more weeks. Fine by me. This tooth has been quite a challenge to live with for the past few days.
Well, I'm off to pick up the kids from school and do my housework. I've marinated some chicken earlier this morning, so we're having baked chicken with artichokes and sundried tomatoes for dinner. Doesn't that sound yummy?
Friday, January 23, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Root Canals, Kids, & Touching the Face of God
Now, on another note...Adam is fascinated with the new president, "O-Rocco Bama." I thought it would be a good history-in-the-making lesson for the kids to watch the inauguration on TV yesterday, then Adam wanted Dan to turn American Idol off to watch the inauguration again at bedtime. Yeah, well, enough is enough I say.
Then when Dan was saying some bedtime prayers with Adam. Adam prayed that his dad's trees wouldn't die in the freeze. When he was finished praying he said, "OK, now come down here so I can touch you!" Well, at least he has the desire to touch the face of God. I guess I'm not doing such a poor job with my kids after all.
Monday, January 19, 2009
A Simple Woman's Daybook for today...
If you want to participate in the daybook, see Peggy here.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
My Posse's on Broadway...WHAT?
Monday, January 12, 2009
From the learning rooms...we missed church lat week and the kids kids missed the lesson about Joseph's coat of many colors. I'm going to try to do that lesson with them and make a little coat.
I am hoping...we won't get a hard freeze this winter because our mango trees are LOADED with flowers. So much so that the branches are dragging the ground. There's nothing like a mango fresh from the tree! It's always a struggle to get through the winter though because they are a tropical fruit and we're not quite living in a tropical climate year-round.
I am hearing...Sophie chattering non-stop, can't quite understand what she's saying. That's kinda like my relationship with the Lord I've learned. I have to stop what I'm doing, focus, and Listen in order to hear. Imagine that!
Around the house...just some clutter to put away, floors to sweep, laundry to do. Typical Monday-Sunday stuff.
Katie went to a little tea party on Saturday. It was so sweet to see just six little girls together doing "girlie stuff."
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Hi, My Name Is Sue. I'm a Recovering...
We had friends over for dinner last night and it's so nice to have friends in my life who are so loving and "real." I can put down my guard, focus on the friendship, & know that they'll still love me even though there are dishes in the sink and I haven't swept the floor. No explanations necessary. That's very liberating. My day will come when my babies are all grown up, living independently of me, possibly far away from me; I'll have a clean house then. I'm trying to live every day remembering that that day will come before I'm ready, so as long as I can cuddle my little ones in my lap, let the dishes stay dirty.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
It's Official!
I must have been out of my mind when I went shopping the day after Christmas. I bought all these decorations for the outside of our house. I struggle with post-Christmas "packin' up" as it it and now I added more to be put away. Uhhggg!
On another note, I was listening to my new boss talk about his cleaning lady the other day. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone come in twice a month and scrub the floors and the bathrooms. Wouldn't it be nice to come home, after being out one day, to lemony-freshness? I came home the other day to the smell of kitchen trash that I forgot to take out that morning. Just sayin'...
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A Story of a Girl...
Later that evening when I showed Dan, it pretty much just reinforced his long-time hypothesis that Katie was deprived of oxygen at birth. She does do some very strange things, but I think she's just very artistic. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Outside my window...it's foggy and the sun is just barely beginning to color the sky.
I am thinking...I'm glad the holidays have passed & life is back to normal.
I am thankful for...the clean state that my house is in right now. I wonder how log it will stay this way?
From the learning rooms...A & K are back to school today...YIPPEE!
From the kitchen...maybe a week of soups and stews.
I am wearing...jeans and an ice-blue cable knit sweater.
I am creating...a Snap Fish photo book of the twins' firs year - yeah, I'm a little behind. The digital camera makes it so easy to slack because you don't have to have film developed to see the pictures. I also knit a little baby hat, for a friend, this weekend
I am going...grocery shopping this morning, to work on Wed. & Thurs.
I am reading...Saveur Magazine's annual "100" It's a foodie mag. and this edition lists (with great & interesting detail) their favorite 100 foods of the past year. It's a very interesting magazine, few ads, & something interesting about local food, but also foods indigenous to other countries on EVERY page. It's literally a magazine I read cover-to-cover.
I am hoping...to get my pantry organized today.
I am hearing...Franklin and the clink of buttons in the dryer. Sophie is watching Franklin and I'm doing laundry.
Around the house...Christmas decorations are still everywhere. We went to Boca Raton to spend the weekend with Dan's cousin and Christmas did not get put away. Another reason I'm a "Bah Humbug" - I hate putting the decorations away (mainly because I'm lazy).
One of my favorite things...a car interior tat is clean, and fresh-smelling. This usually lasts for 2 days.
A few plans for the rest of the week...maybe I'll bake cupcakes with the kids. Although, not before we officially say "Khodafez" (goodbye in Farsi) to Christmas.
Here is a picture thought I'm sharing...
Thursday, January 1, 2009
So long 2008!
I've learned that life is fragile and fleeting. Someone who is here today may not live to see tomorrow. In that, I am learning to not take people, especially loved-ones, for granted. It is my desire to spend more time with the ones I love, and the ones who love me, in 2009. To let go of what's behind. To press toward the goal. To lean into "circumstances" rather than run the other way. To pray more. To do more. To live more. May God bless you far beyond what your heart and hand can hold in this New Year!